Laura Margaret Ramsey (USA/Canada) is a New York based imaging specialist working in the cultural heritage sector. Working with data, sound, video, and photography, her artistic practice is informed by archival structures, computational ecosystems, and the ethical considerations of human & non-human animals, plants and machines. 

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This work explores the deeply troubling narrative of violence in American schools through a medium that seeks to transcend boundaries and connect with the collective conscience of our society. This multichannel sound work weaves together historical data of K-12 shootings in the United States, transforming these sombre statistics into a celestial and evocative musical composition.

The inception of "Silenced Youth" was driven by the need to confront the harrowing reality of violence in educational institutions. From 1970-2023, this piece navigates through the decades of tragedy, using musical notes as a language to communicate the profound impact of each incident. Through sonification, the data is simplified into comma-separated values and mapped to an x and y axis using a Python script. With x = time of event starting in 1970, and y = the number of killed and wounded. As the data unfurls, each note signifies an event - the lower notes resonate with the weight of higher casualties and injuries, creating an elegiac, contemplative composition that invites audiences to grapple with the human toll of these tragic events.

The choice of mapping historical data to musical notes is a deliberate one, aiming to bridge the gap between the rational and the emotional, between cold statistics and the deeply personal. In the bright and inviting space where "Silenced Youth" is experienced, I encourage an environment of safety, peace, and strength. The contrast between the angelic notes emanating from the speakers and the grim subject matter invites visitors to engage with these traumatic events in a more meditative and empathetic manner.

Remember that the goal is not just to present data but to raise awareness, promote understanding, and work toward preventing school shootings. Ethical and sensitive presentation of data can play a vital role in achieving these objectives.

Major events:
16:18 - Cokeville Elementary, 16 May 1986
28:28 - Thurston High School, 21 May 1998
29:29 - Columbine High School, 20 April 1999
43:02 - Sandy Hook Elementary, 14 December 2012
48:00 - Marshall County High School, 23 January 2018
48:05 - Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, 14 February 2018
48:32 - Santa Fe High School, 18 May 2018
52:18 - Robb Elementary School, 24 May 2022